Upcoming Events
This course will be delivered on-site in US Virgin Islands.
Registration for this course is invitation-only. Please email us for additional details.
The course has been specifically developed for delivery to the USVI Office of the Public Auditor.
Course Description
Gain the skills of advanced program performance assessment and evaluation methodology for determining impact (benefit) attributable to agency program operations, investments, and changes. Learn to identify and validate cause and effect relationships in determining the outcome results of a program initiative or change. Explore various evaluation designs to isolate the results or impacts attributable to an initiative or intervening variable by comparing performance achieved with the initiative to performance without it. Learn the conditions, strengths, and weaknesses of applying each design, in accounting for rival causes. Through multiple case exercises, practice planning audits and evaluations using the design methodologies that lead to valid and supportable findings. Learn how to prepare a Cost/Benefit Analysis to determine if outcome results attributable to a program initiative are worth the cost.
Auditors with extensive experience in performance auditing.
For all on-site training in the insular areas, the Graduate School USA's Pacific and Virgin Islands Training Initiatives (PITI-VITI) works closely with local training hosts to ensure that participants, instructors, and training support staff enjoy a safe learning experience. Please note the following:
With funding support from the United States Department of the Interior, Office of Insular Affairs, courses are available free of charge for government accountability professionals within the insular areas. The course fee is waived and there is no cost to register and attend, Professionals who do not meet the above criteria, please contact [email protected].
Portland, OR
Drummond Kahn serves on the faculty of the Graduate School USA, training auditors and financial managers in the U.S. and overseas. Since 1990, Mr. Kahn served in federal, state, and local government auditing positions.