Audit Course
March 12, 2025
Michael Binder
Audit Course
March 11, 2025
Michael Binder
Audit Course
March 10, 2025
Drummond Kahn
Urgent questions and concerns require quick audit response while maintaining quality, focusing on user needs, and conforming to the Government Auditing Standards. Determine when it is appropriate and how to offer clients alternatives to classic “full scope” audit coverage, and how to establish an auditor-client relationship conducive to quick delivery of products. Learn how to tailor audit objectives, approaches and products to better meet immediate client needs. Drawing on multiple case studies, learn to write focused objectives with limited scope to facilitate quick field work, timely reporting, and meaningful results to satisfy the client or stakeholder needs.
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Audit Course
March 07, 2025
Drummond Kahn
Fraud is a booming business today! As fraud schemes become more sophisticated and defense attorneys more proactive, task forces including auditors, investigators and prosecutors are often assembled to combat the fraud schemes. Learn the techniques that are unique to planning and implementing forensic audits and investigations. Identify how each team member contributes to the success of the task force. Learn the special rules and procedures that apply in obtaining evidence to substantiate and prosecute fraud. Analyze how forensic auditing and investigations blend to identify evidence for presentation and prosecutive action.
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Audit Course
March 07, 2025
Michael Binder
Selecting performance audits to conduct is like building a successful investment portfolio. Developing meaningful objectives helps ensure each audit efficiently and effectively achieves meaningful results. Together, selecting the right audits and clear objectives provide a return on investment that is highly valued, relevant and meaningful to the stakeholders it serves. Explore techniques and factors for selecting and planning audits based upon measurable factors of risk, materiality, public interest, and public benefit as valued by its many stakeholders. You will identify stakeholder interest and needs, future opportunities and external threats; apply a cost benefit approach using measures of outcome value to score proposals; and formulate compelling audit objectives leading to meaningful specific future-oriented recommendations of value.
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