Finance Course
August 31, 2021
Jeanne Yamamura
This course introduces the Enterprise Risk Management framework with the goal ofunderstanding how to identify, assess, and mitigate risks throughout an organization. In order toachieve strategic objectives, organizations need to be able to identify and manage the risks theyface.The importance of risk management has become increasingly clear in a pandemicworld
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August 31, 2021
Christopher Pembrook
Wow, what a year. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, GASB’s standard-setting activity had actually slowed to a more manageable level in 2020 after several very busy years. However, that slower pace is set to pick up again with the implementation of many of the standards whose effective dates were initially postponed by GASB 95. In this session, we will talk about fiduciary activity accounting and the new financial reporting requirements related to leases, along with several other pending GASB statements. In addition, several newer projects are closer to completion, with newer standards immanent. We will also address the “big 3” project, which includes a proposed new financial reporting model. Whoop! Whoop! Who’s ready for the GASB Update!?!
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Leadership Course
August 30, 2021
Michael Binder
Leadership, Motivation and Accountability for High Performance Auditors
Great audit organizations need leaders who see their role differently than just being super auditors. This highly interactive course will help audit staff cross the threshold toward becoming super leaders by understanding what makes a good leader, how to motivate others, and create an environment of accountability for high performance. This session will examine the traits, characteristics and styles of successful managers and leaders that can be learned and practiced, as well as why people in leadership positions often fail. We will explore ways to inspire and motivate staff through constructive coaching, growth opportunities and appreciation. This session also explores the communication tools, approaches, and techniques to inspire a new level of performance accountability, self-awareness and commitment through empowerment and ownership.
Business Etiquette in an Instant Information World
The proliferation of computes, smart phones, and other digital devices combined with easy internet access has created a brand new world in which the old rules of business etiquette are no longer adequate. Is texting during a business meeting rude? Are “all caps” messages alarming to recipients? Should you be Facebook friends with coworkers? This workshop offers insights into potential problem areas along with best practices for professional presentation in an online world.
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August 27, 2021
Drummond Kahn
Explaining Audit Results to Policy-makers
In this session, participants will learn theories and practice tools to present audit and finance results to policy-makers. They are busy, they have many tasks, and we can explain complex topics to them clearly. From Greek theories on communication to presenting with clear information and context, we'll cover time-tested tools that will help you get to the basic message sooner and inform governing groups about the important results of our audit and finance work.
Love Triangle - Audit Risk, Internal Control, and Sampling
Audit risk, internal control, and sampling are key components to any audit. It is important not only to understand each of those aspects, but also to understand how they relate to each other. We will examine the various components of audit risk and internal control and how those may impact sampling.
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August 26, 2021
Michael Binder
Audit resolution, follow-up, implementation, and reporting is a responsibility shared by the audit organization, the auditee organization follow-up coordinator and action officials. This responsibility is described in a variety of laws and OMB Circulars to provide a basis for accountability of the audited entities in responding to audit recommendations, reaching resolution and implementing the agreed upon corrective actions to reduce the risk of loss, improve operational performance and financial integrity in all levels of government.
This course will explore the statutes, guidance and standards for audit recommendations, resolution, follow-up progress, monitoring and reporting. It will also define the roles and responsibilities of the audit organization and those designated to perform follow-up, implementation and congressional reporting and budget submission functions.
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