Finance Course
August 26, 2021
Frank Crawford
The Performeter is an analytical tool that takes a government’s financial statements and converts them into useful and understandable measures of financial performance. The Performeter uses financial ratios and a copyrighted analysis methodology to arrive at an overall rating of 1-10, which indicates the overall financial health and performance of a government.
Since 2002, PITI-VITI has been developing Performeters annually for each of the insular areas. As a result, multiple years of cumulative data is now available for each government. In addition to being able to track overall scores, the Performeter can also be used to track individual trends within ratios: Net Assets, Fund Balances, Revenue Dispersion, Intergenerational Equity, etc. This session will describe the Performeter tool, highlight recent results by insular area, and consider next steps for island governments' financial health and performance.
More InfoAudit Course
August 26, 2021
Kip R. Memmott
Performance auditing is both and art and a science. Performance auditors are generalists who deploy advanced interdisciplinary based methodologies and tools to “interpret realty” in order to execute effective root cause analysis necessary to develop objective audit conclusions and strong recommendations. This session “audits” common and emergent performance audit methodologies including the strengths and weaknesses of methods and strategic cost-benefit considerations. Learning objectives include a discussion of standards of evidence, auditor competency and skill requirements as well as the importance of investing in tools. The session highlights data analytics as a powerful and emergent tool in the auditor tool belt and highlights several case examples including an entertaining story about how auditors brought down a fraud scheme in Oregon.
More InfoAudit Course
August 25, 2021
Drummond Kahn
Receive an in-depth review and update on the 2018 revision of Government Auditing Standards, plus a brief history on the development of the standards. Discuss the structure of the recent revision of the standards and the major changes, focusing on the sections applicable to performance audits. Discuss the purpose and requirements of individual standards, with emphasis on the recent changes. Apply specific standards to real life cases. Discuss APIPA's Peer Review schedule and next steps to review APIPA member offices.
More InfoAudit Course
August 25, 2021
Kip R. Memmott
Public sector auditors are experts at helping their government organizations improve their operational cultures, control environments, and services. Yet, audit organizations are not always as focused on strengthening their own internal cultures, internal controls, and services. This session presents ideas for developing and deploying effective continuous improvement and change management activities within audit organizations and includes three entertaining audit organization change management case examples as well as learning objectives focused on auditing in a post-pandemic world.
More InfoGrants Course
August 25, 2021
David Rykken
The Grants 101 course will provide basic information about grants, including the responsibilities of recipients and key
tasks that must be completed during the project period. This course will be most informative for administrative and
program staff from organizations that were awarded a new grant in FY 2020 or FY 2021. It will also be relevant for new
staff on existing grants who do not have extensive experience in grants management.