Audit Course
December 06, 2023
Drummond Kahn
Examine the relationship between performance measurement, strategic and annual planning, performance budgeting and performance reviews. Understand how performance measurement can improve planning and decision-making, resulting in government services that are more responsive, efficient and effective.
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Audit Course
November 28 - 29, 2023
Drummond Kahn
This course will equip participants with knowledge and skill-building through an in-depth review and update on the Government Auditing Standards, plus a brief history of the development of the standards. Participants will discuss the structure of the recent revision of the standards and major changes, focusing on the sections applicable to performance audits. In addition, participants will discuss the purpose and requirements of individual standards, with emphasis on the recent changes.
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Grants Course
October 31, 2023
Bob Adachi
Congratulations on your organization's successful acquisition of Federal grant funds! You are now entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring these funds are managed efficiently and effectively to meet the grant objectives.
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Audit Course
October 27, 2023
Bob Adachi
In this course, participants explore the complexities of grant audits, gaining a deep understanding of the two primary types that affect granting agencies and grantee organizations.
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Grants Course
October 26, 2023
Bob Adachi
This course is intended for grantees of federal funds either as a direct recipient or as a sub-recipient. In order to meet the grant objectives, recipients are required to obtain goods and services through contracts.
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