Accounting Course
June 20, 2023
David Bean
Several new GASB accounting standards have recently became effective that alter the historical landscape of how lease accounting has always been performed (GASBs 87 and 96). In addition, a new GASB accounting standard has also been issued related to the accounting and financial reporting of public-private and public-public partnerships (GASB 94). GASB 87 not only does away with the methodology of previous accounting for leases, but also introduces new concepts for what a lease is, and even more importantly what is not a lease, and also provides new guidance on how to determine the true “term” of a lease for accounting and financial reporting purposes.
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June 19, 2023
Jeanne Yamamura
This 3-day course introduces the internal control system and the role that each person plays in that system. A refresher in the internal control framework is provided along with a review of common high-risk areas and the controls used to address those areas.
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Finance Course
June 01 - June 02, 2023
Frank Crawford
The Island Government Finance Officers' Association summer meeting took place in Portland, OR, from May 27, 2023, to June 1, 2023. The goals of the meeting were to review the current status of single audits for insular governments from FY20 to FY22, including anticipated delays and ongoing strategies to catch up and issue timely audits; discuss challenges that have arisen during the audit process and identify potential solutions to improve future audits; review insular government finance office performance measures and discuss potential modifications and reporting; discuss key issues presented at the GFOA Conference and their applicability to the U.S. affiliated insular governments; connect with GFOA's Federal Liaison Center to discuss current issues around ARPA, IRA, and IIJA; review changes to regulations and/or funding sources which may impact insular government financial operations; review forthcoming GASB standards and plan for their timely implementation; and identify key takeaways from the week for each insular government and develop follow-up activities to ensure that the insights gained from the meeting are effectively applied in each government.
More InfoFinance Course
May 30, 2023
Jeanne Yamamura
This 4-day course (3 mornings only and 1 full day – 20 CE) is geared primarily toward accountants for governmental units who already have a basic knowledge of introductory accounting principles. It focuses on preparing for the year-end close in the governmental funds, specifically, the General Fund.
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March 02 - 03, 2023
David Rykken
This session will demonstrate how to write clear goals and SMART objectives to set program implementers up for success in the future. Participants will gain skills through examples and practice to improve their work plans, making evaluating progress toward their mission easier. This course will be informative for administrative and program staff from organizations that are involved with grant implementation. Participants should bring copies of their grant work plans, evaluation plans, and reporting requirements.
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