Audit Course
August 23 - 24, 2023
David Rykken
In this session, you will acquire the necessary skills to write clear goals and SMART objectives that will help program implementers succeed in the future. Through examples and practice, you will be able to enhance your work plans, making it easier to evaluate your progress toward achieving your mission. This course is ideal for administrative and program staff of organizations involved in grant implementation. Please bring copies of your grant work plans, evaluation plans, and reporting requirements.
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Grants Course
August 21 - 22, 2023
David Rykken
The Introduction to Grants Management course provides an updated understanding of grants and cooperative agreements. It covers the duties of recipients and the essential tasks that must be completed during the project period. This course is perfect for administrative, finance, and program staff from organizations involved in grant implementation. It is also suitable for new staff members who lack extensive experience in grants management on existing grants.
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Grants Course
July 26 - 28, 2023
David Rykken
In this session, you will acquire the necessary skills to write clear goals and SMART objectives that will help program implementers succeed in the future. Through examples and practice, you will be able to enhance your work plans, making it easier to evaluate your progress towards achieving your mission. This course is ideal for administrative and program staff of organizations involved in grant implementation. Please bring copies of your grant work plans, evaluation plans, and reporting requirements.
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Grants Course
July 24 - 26, 2023
David Rykken
Project management involves leading a team to achieve specific goals and meet success criteria within a set timeframe. The main challenge is to accomplish all project goals while working within constraints such as scope, time, and budget. These details are usually outlined in project documentation created at the start of development. Another challenge is to optimize input allocation to meet pre-defined objectives.
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Finance Course
July 11, 2023
Frank Crawford
Several new GASB accounting standards have recently became effective that alter the historical landscape of how lease accounting has always been performed (GASBs 87 and 96). In addition, a new GASB accounting standard has also been issued related to the accounting and financial reporting of public-private and public-public partnerships (GASB 94).
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