Audit Course
August 31, 2022
Jeanne Yamamura
Increasingly, governments and businesses are being asked, if not required, to disclose their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives. Such disclosures are essential in both identifying the objectives undertaken and the progress made. This course introduces ESG disclosures, focusing on environmental initiatives, and provides examples. The difficulties involved in making such disclosures are also discussed
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August 31, 2022
Frank Crawford
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board is issuing new standards and summarizing existing standards. This fast-paced session will provide auditors, financial statement preparers, and financial managers with the latest updates on what changed, what stayed the same, and what you may need to do differently (or keep doing) in light of the standards. We'll cover the important changes and review status of everything from GASB 87 to this year's new codifications in GASB 99. If you prepare, use, or audit government financial statements, you won't want to miss this session!"
More InfoAudit Course
August 31, 2022
Stefani S. Levesque
Join as we explore 7 key activities - researching, assessing, developing, identifying, communicating, and agreeing on logistics - in order to develop a comprehensive, risk-based, audit plan that is sure to focus your work for maximum impact.
More InfoLeadership Course
August 30, 2022
Michael Binder
In this session, we will explore why creative and critical thinking are essential tools of auditor proficiency that should be applied throughout all phases of the audit process. The session will discuss personal and organizational challenges to creative thinking and change for breakthrough ways of seeing problems and considering new possible solutions. The presentation will include brain training exercises and tools to get participants thinking more abstractly to look beyond the obvious and use process techniques for generating new ideas for action. This class will explore the power of "why" in looking for root causes of problems, and the power of the possible in considering new opportunities and threats for forward thinking recommendations.
More InfoAudit Course
August 30, 2022
Michael Binder
What makes a good leader? How do we motivate others? And how do we create an environment where staff members are fully accountable? These are the basic ingredients for high performing organizations – but in many audit organizations we promote or hire staff into management or leadership positions based upon their demonstrated technical skills, without preparing them to step into a leadership role requiring an entirely different set of knowledge, skills and abilities – which becomes self-perpetuating as their only reference may be their own managers who were also promoted based upon technical skill – and never learned to lead.
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