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Skip Polson

Durham, NC

Skip Polson has provided administrative and logistical support for 16 previous APIPA Conferences.  This will be his 17th one!  His first conference was in Majuro in 2004.  He did not help with the 2005 conference in Palau, but he has enjoyed helping with every conference since then.

In the early years he made sure every participant received all the materials for their courses and a printed certificate for every course they attended.  Skip’s responsibilities have changed over the years as APIPA has gradually moved away from printed materials to digital ones.  Last year, for the first time, all conference participants were enabled to print their own certificates!  Now Skip helps make sure our online course presentations run smoothly on Zoom.

Skip and his wife Sandy were Peace Corps Volunteers on Utirik Atoll in the Marshall Islands from June 1969 to June 1971.  Skip was an Agricultural Extension Agent focused on increasing copra production, and he helped the atoll council obtain grant-in-aid funds to build a new school. Sandy taught English to the elementary school children and language-teaching methods to the other four teachers.  Two of the little girls on Utirik at that time were named Miako; Skip and Sandy liked that name a lot, so they borrowed it and used it for their second daughter who was born five years later.

From August 1973 to February 1976, Skip worked as the U. S. Peace Corps Representative for the Truk District of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.  He consulted with local leaders to define the jobs for the 50 Peace Corps Volunteers assigned to Truk District, and provided administrative support for them.  Skip and Sandy’s older daughter Kaselehlia was born there.

Skip holds master’s degrees in urban planning from UCLA and agricultural economics from the University of Hawaii.  Most of his professional career has been in agriculturally-based community development.  He worked for Heifer Project International for 17 years, and was one of the original co-founders of the American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA).

  • August 19, 2021
  • CPEs - 0 Credit Hours
  • Virtual
  • Leadership

2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Hawaii (GMT-10)

location Icon Other

All APIPA 2021 courses will be delivered via Zoom. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, the APIPA Secretariat will be hosting two optional ZOOM orientation sessions. 

In addition to these practice sessions, the APIPA Secretariate has prepared a list of Frequently Asked Zoom questions, which you can review and download.

  • August 18, 2021
  • CPEs - 0 Credit Hours
  • Virtual
  • Leadership

2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Hawaii (GMT-10)

location Icon Other

All APIPA 2021 courses will be delivered via Zoom. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, the APIPA Secretariat will be hosting two Zoom orientation sessions. 

In addition to these practice sessions, the APIPA Secretariate has prepared a list of Frequently Asked Zoom questions, which you can review and download at

Please note this course is optional and hours earned in this course cannot be used towards your CPE credits.

IGFOA icon Other Instructors

Other instructor image

Bob Adachi

Oakland, CA

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Bernard Adiniwin

Republic of Marshall Islands

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Michael Barsabal


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Margie P. Bastolla

Orlando, FL

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David Bean

Springfield, IL

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Katelyn Bell

Denver, CO

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Jeffrey Berlin


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Michael Binder

Washington, DC

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Gerry Boaz, CPA, CGFM, CGMA


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Scott Cahoon


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Vince Camacho, Esq.


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Clarissa Corbin, PMP

Williamsburg, Virginia

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Frank Crawford

Oklahoma City, OK

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Doreen Crisostomo, Ph.D., CGFM, CFE, CICA


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Benjamin Cruz, JD


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Steve Determan

Lakewood, CO

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Vince Duenas


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Matt Elliott

Washington, DC

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Friberg Emil

Washington, DC

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Daniel Fitzgerald, CPA


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Mark Funkhouser

West Virginia

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Glenn Furuya

Honolulu, Hawaii

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Mark Lee Greenblatt

Washington, D.C.

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Jose Guevara, III, CGFM, PMP, MBA


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Manny Hechanova


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Yuka Hechanova, CPA, CIA, CGFM, CGAP, CGMA


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Jerrick Hernandez, MA, CGAP, CICA


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Artemio "Ricky" Hernandez, Ph.D., CGFM


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David House

Denver, CO

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Kerri Hunter

Denver, CO

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Le'Angela Ingram

Baltimore, MD

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Nick Johnston

Auckland, NZ

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Kino Kabua

Republic of Marshall Islands

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Drummond Kahn

Portland, OR

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Jason Katigbak, CPA, CIA, CFE, CGMA


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Karden Kelly

Anchorage, AK

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Muhammad Khalid


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Les Kondo

Honolulu, HI

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Katharine Kovacek


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Dan Kowalski

Ogden, NJ

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Esther Lameko-Poutoa

Auckland, NZ

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Robert Lavigna

Madison, Wisconsin

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Los Angeles, California

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Lourdes A. Leon Guerrero


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Daphne Leon Guerrero, SHRM-SCP, CAPM


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Stefani S. Levesque

Denver, CO

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Sarah Markley

Auckland, NZ

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Kip R. Memmott

Salem, OR

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Anna Mendiola

FSM National

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Nicki Miller

Washington, DC

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Jason Mitchell

Pago Pago, AS

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Billy Morehead, Ph.D., CPA, CGFM

Madison, MS

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Mark Morgan, Ph.D., CPA, CFE

Madison, MS

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Susan Murphy

Boston, MA

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Rizalito "RG" Paglingayen, CPA


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Pilar Pangelinan


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Junior Patrick

Republic of Marshall Islands

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Christopher Pembrook

Oklahoma City, OK

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Maripaz Perez, CGFM, CGAP, CICA, CIA, CFE


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Lillian Perez-Posadas, MN, RN


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Dianne Ray

Denver, CO

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Rory J. Respicio


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John J. Rivera, Ph.D., AIF, CFE, CM, SHRM-SCP


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Martin Ruben

Charlottetown, PEI

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David Rykken

Washington, DC

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Beth Schubert

Lakewood, CO

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Kathleen Sedney

Washington DC

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Seitu Stephens


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Mark Sturton

United Kingdom

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Pending Traveler


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Terry VanEaton

American Samoa

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Josephine Villanueva, CPA, CGMA, CGFM, CSAF, SHRM-CP, PMP


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Mizpah Wiegand, CPA


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Jeanne Yamamura

Reno, NV