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David House

Denver, CO

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David House serves as Special Agent in Charge (SAC) for Infrastructure Coordination for the Department of Interior’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). SAC House has served in a variety of roles with the OIG – he was the Assistant Special Agent in Charge for the Northern Region in St. Paul, MN; was Deputy Director for the Recovery Oversight Office; was a senior case agent in Hawaii, and was the Special Agent in Charge for the Central Region in Denver, CO. He served for several years as a Special Agent in Charge for the General Services Administration OIG in San Francisco, CA and before that, served as a US Army CID Agent for 12 years.

Throughout SAC House’s long tenure with DOI OIG, he has enjoyed working closely with tribes, territories, and Compact nations in the Pacific. He was instrumental in establishing the first capacity-building effort with audit offices throughout the Pacific, which led to several impactful investigations in both U.S. territories and Compact nations. SAC House provided many fraud training programs to audit offices over the years and was instrumental in establishing the first “Lakewood Experience” training seminar in Colorado.

As SAC Infrastructure Coordinator, David aims to use oversight of Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Law programs to reintroduce the Department of Interior OIG’s presence in the Pacific through a capacity-building initiative. David has a BA from Averett University in Business and he is a Certified Fraud Examiner.

  • August 27, 2024
  • CPEs - 8 Credit Hours
  • On-site
  • Audit

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Palau (GMT+9)

location Icon Palau

This seminar will build on the Basics of Investigations discussion.  We will discuss what to do with allegations: the importance of timely responses, how to manage intake, how to analyze and assess fraud complaints, and what steps to take upon receiving fraud complaints.  We will then discuss investigative planning: the importance of creating an investigative plan, how to scope your investigation, clarifying objectives and the importance of setting a timeline.  We will include table exercises where attendees assess complaints and draft an investigative plan.  Building on our investigative plan in the afternoon, we will discuss how to Identify relevant documents and other evidence, how to collect them, how to analyze them and how to use them to build an investigation. We will then discuss how to conduct fraud interviews: the difference between witnesses and subjects, how to organize multiple interviews, how to plan an interview, how to build rapport, and how to go over interview techniques for tricky subject interviews.  We will include table exercises in which attendees will review documents, brief their conclusions, and role-play a subject interview.

  • August 29, 2024
  • CPEs - 8 Credit Hours
  • On-site
  • Audit

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Alaska (GMT-8)

location Icon Palau

The potential for bribes and kickbacks, whether in the private or public sector, is inherent in virtually every business transaction. Recent research conducted by a major financial institution revealed that an estimated one trillion dollars a year is paid in bribes worldwide. Bribes, kickbacks and other kinds of payoffs constitute types of fraud, often referred to as corruption. 

Get a strong introduction to (a) the provisions of law pertaining to fraud and corruption in the forms of bribes, kickbacks and other types of payoffs; (b) activities that are particularly susceptible to such forms of fraud; (c) the short-and long-term impact; and (d) the methods used to make illegal payments. Focus on strengthening your ability to recognize the indicators of bribes, kickbacks and other types of payoffs in the procurement area and on your ability to collect evidence that they may have occurred or have occurred. Participate in case studies involving the fraudulent activities of bribes, kickbacks and other types of payoffs.

  • August 26, 2024
  • CPEs - 4 Credit Hours
  • On-site
  • Audit

1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Palau (GMT+9)

location Icon Palau

This seminar will include a discussion of the components of a fraud investigation program, how to identify fraud, and what to do when you find it.  We will discuss developing policy, clarifying your authority and budget, identifying staff and support.  We will then discuss how to find fraud, by learning how to assess organizational vulnerability to fraud, how to build sources, how to be proactive, and give an overview of fraud schemes and what investigations of those schemes might look like in the wild.  We will include classroom exercises and actual case discussion. 

  • September 01, 2023
  • CPEs - 4 Credit Hours
  • On-site
  • Audit

8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Marshall Islands (GMT+12)

location Icon Marshall Islands

In this session we will explore how to brainstorm and develop testing procedures to pull the threads and find fraud. We will also discuss fraud red flags and how investigations work within the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Inspector General.  


IGFOA icon Other Instructors

Other instructor image

Bob Adachi

Oakland, CA

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Bernard Adiniwin

Republic of Marshall Islands

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Michael Barsabal


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Margie P. Bastolla

Orlando, FL

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David Bean

Springfield, IL

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Katelyn Bell

Denver, CO

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Jeffrey Berlin


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Michael Binder

Washington, DC

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Gerry Boaz, CPA, CGFM, CGMA


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Scott Cahoon


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Vince Camacho, Esq.


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Clarissa Corbin, PMP

Williamsburg, Virginia

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Frank Crawford

Oklahoma City, OK

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Doreen Crisostomo, Ph.D., CGFM, CFE, CICA


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Benjamin Cruz, JD


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Steve Determan

Lakewood, CO

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Vince Duenas


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Matt Elliott

Washington, DC

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Friberg Emil

Washington, DC

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Daniel Fitzgerald, CPA


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Mark Funkhouser

West Virginia

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Glenn Furuya

Honolulu, Hawaii

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Mark Lee Greenblatt

Washington, D.C.

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Jose Guevara, III, CGFM, PMP, MBA


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Manny Hechanova


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Yuka Hechanova, CPA, CIA, CGFM, CGAP, CGMA


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Jerrick Hernandez, MA, CGAP, CICA


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Artemio "Ricky" Hernandez, Ph.D., CGFM


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Kerri Hunter

Denver, CO

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Le'Angela Ingram

Baltimore, MD

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Nick Johnston

Auckland, NZ

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Kino Kabua

Republic of Marshall Islands

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Drummond Kahn

Portland, OR

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Jason Katigbak, CPA, CIA, CFE, CGMA


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Karden Kelly

Anchorage, AK

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Muhammad Khalid


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Les Kondo

Honolulu, HI

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Katharine Kovacek


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Dan Kowalski

Ogden, NJ

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Esther Lameko-Poutoa

Auckland, NZ

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Robert Lavigna

Madison, Wisconsin

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Los Angeles, California

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Lourdes A. Leon Guerrero


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Daphne Leon Guerrero, SHRM-SCP, CAPM


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Stefani S. Levesque

Denver, CO

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Sarah Markley

Auckland, NZ

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Kip R. Memmott

Salem, OR

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Anna Mendiola

FSM National

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Nicki Miller

Washington, DC

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Jason Mitchell

Pago Pago, AS

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Billy Morehead, Ph.D., CPA, CGFM

Madison, MS

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Mark Morgan, Ph.D., CPA, CFE

Madison, MS

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Susan Murphy

Boston, MA

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Rizalito "RG" Paglingayen, CPA


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Pilar Pangelinan


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Junior Patrick

Republic of Marshall Islands

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Christopher Pembrook

Oklahoma City, OK

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Maripaz Perez, CGFM, CGAP, CICA, CIA, CFE


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Lillian Perez-Posadas, MN, RN


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Skip Polson

Durham, NC

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Dianne Ray

Denver, CO

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Rory J. Respicio


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John J. Rivera, Ph.D., AIF, CFE, CM, SHRM-SCP


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Martin Ruben

Charlottetown, PEI

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David Rykken

Washington, DC

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Beth Schubert

Lakewood, CO

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Kathleen Sedney

Washington DC

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Seitu Stephens


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Mark Sturton

United Kingdom

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Pending Traveler


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Terry VanEaton

American Samoa

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Josephine Villanueva, CPA, CGMA, CGFM, CSAF, SHRM-CP, PMP


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Mizpah Wiegand, CPA


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Jeanne Yamamura

Reno, NV