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David Bean

Springfield, IL

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David R. Bean, CPA, is the chief executive officer of Governmental Accounting Research, LLC, a consulting and training firm dedicated to public sector accounting and financial reporting activities.  Prior to his retirement from the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) in 2021, David served as the GASB director of research and technical activities over 30 years.

Prior to joining the GASB in 1990, David worked in public accounting and government. He also has served as Deputy Chairman of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB). He was the lead author on the 1988 Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting (Blue Book) and was the founder of the GAAFR Review newsletter. He was the last director of the National Council on Governmental Accounting before the formation of the GASB in 1984.

David is a licensed CPA in Illinois and member of the Government Finance Officers Association, the Connecticut and Illinois Government Finance Officers Associations, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Illinois CPA Society, the Association of Government Accountants, the National Federation of Municipal Analysts, and the Municipal Analysts Group of New York. 

  • August 29, 2024
  • CPEs - 8 Credit Hours
  • On-site
  • Finance

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Palau (GMT+9)

location Icon Palau

The Performeter is an analytical tool that takes a government’s financial statements and converts them into useful and understandable measures of financial performance. The Performeter uses financial ratios and a copyrighted analysis methodology to arrive at an overall rating of 1-10, which indicates the overall financial health and performance of a government. Since 2002, PITI-VITI has been developing Performeters annually for each of the insular areas. As a result, multiple years of cumulative data is now available for each government. In addition to being able to track overall scores, the Performeter can also be used to track individual trends within ratios: Net Position, Fund Balances, Revenue Dispersion, Intergenerational Equity, etc. This session will describe the Performeter tool, highlight recent results by insular area, and consider next steps for island governments' financial health and performance.


This session will also take a detailed look into more recent GASB standards that have been issued and are either applicable or will be in the near future, including GASB 87 on Leases, GASB 96 related to Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITA), Statement 94 on Public-Private or Public-Public Partnerships (P3s), Statements 100-103, and including the financial reporting model improvements. In addition, this session will take a look at the future of standard-setting and where the GASB will most likely be going next.

  • June 20, 2023
  • CPEs - 8 Credit Hours
  • On-site
  • Accounting

9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

US Virgin Islands (GMT-4)

location Icon US Virgin Islands

Several new GASB accounting standards have recently became effective that alter the historical landscape of how lease accounting has always been performed (GASBs 87 and 96).  In addition, a new GASB accounting standard has also been issued related to the accounting and financial reporting of public-private and public-public partnerships (GASB 94).  GASB 87 not only does away with the methodology of previous accounting for leases, but also introduces new concepts for what a lease is, and even more importantly what is not a lease, and also provides new guidance on how to determine the true “term” of a lease for accounting and financial reporting purposes.

IGFOA icon Other Instructors

Other instructor image

Bob Adachi

Oakland, CA

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Bernard Adiniwin

Republic of Marshall Islands

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Michael Barsabal


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Margie P. Bastolla

Orlando, FL

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Katelyn Bell

Denver, CO

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Jeffrey Berlin


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Michael Binder

Washington, DC

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Gerry Boaz, CPA, CGFM, CGMA


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Scott Cahoon


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Vince Camacho, Esq.


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Clarissa Corbin, PMP

Williamsburg, Virginia

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Frank Crawford

Oklahoma City, OK

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Doreen Crisostomo, Ph.D., CGFM, CFE, CICA


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Benjamin Cruz, JD


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Steve Determan

Lakewood, CO

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Vince Duenas


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Matt Elliott

Washington, DC

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Friberg Emil

Washington, DC

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Daniel Fitzgerald, CPA


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Mark Funkhouser

West Virginia

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Glenn Furuya

Honolulu, Hawaii

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Mark Lee Greenblatt

Washington, D.C.

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Jose Guevara, III, CGFM, PMP, MBA


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Manny Hechanova


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Yuka Hechanova, CPA, CIA, CGFM, CGAP, CGMA


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Jerrick Hernandez, MA, CGAP, CICA


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Artemio "Ricky" Hernandez, Ph.D., CGFM


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David House

Denver, CO

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Kerri Hunter

Denver, CO

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Le'Angela Ingram

Baltimore, MD

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Nick Johnston

Auckland, NZ

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Kino Kabua

Republic of Marshall Islands

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Drummond Kahn

Portland, OR

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Jason Katigbak, CPA, CIA, CFE, CGMA


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Karden Kelly

Anchorage, AK

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Muhammad Khalid


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Les Kondo

Honolulu, HI

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Katharine Kovacek


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Dan Kowalski

Ogden, NJ

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Esther Lameko-Poutoa

Auckland, NZ

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Robert Lavigna

Madison, Wisconsin

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Los Angeles, California

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Lourdes A. Leon Guerrero


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Daphne Leon Guerrero, SHRM-SCP, CAPM


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Stefani S. Levesque

Denver, CO

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Sarah Markley

Auckland, NZ

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Kip R. Memmott

Salem, OR

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Anna Mendiola

FSM National

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Nicki Miller

Washington, DC

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Jason Mitchell

Pago Pago, AS

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Billy Morehead, Ph.D., CPA, CGFM

Madison, MS

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Mark Morgan, Ph.D., CPA, CFE

Madison, MS

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Susan Murphy

Boston, MA

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Rizalito "RG" Paglingayen, CPA


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Pilar Pangelinan


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Junior Patrick

Republic of Marshall Islands

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Christopher Pembrook

Oklahoma City, OK

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Maripaz Perez, CGFM, CGAP, CICA, CIA, CFE


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Lillian Perez-Posadas, MN, RN


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Skip Polson

Durham, NC

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Dianne Ray

Denver, CO

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Rory J. Respicio


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John J. Rivera, Ph.D., AIF, CFE, CM, SHRM-SCP


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Martin Ruben

Charlottetown, PEI

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David Rykken

Washington, DC

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Beth Schubert

Lakewood, CO

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Kathleen Sedney

Washington DC

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Seitu Stephens


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Mark Sturton

United Kingdom

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Pending Traveler


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Terry VanEaton

American Samoa

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Josephine Villanueva, CPA, CGMA, CGFM, CSAF, SHRM-CP, PMP


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Mizpah Wiegand, CPA


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Jeanne Yamamura

Reno, NV